Our Peckish Complete Bird Table is the perfect fit for all gardens to attract the birds. Simply add Peckish Bird Seed Mixes or Peckish Suet Cakes.
This table has been designed with a slate flip top lid to allow for easy cleaning and a wide, stable base with metal, rot resistant feet for longer lasting use.
Our Complete Bird Table is made from FSC® certified wood. We are looking after birds far beyond our back door and protecting forests for generations to come.
Packed with energy and essential oils, Peckish Sunflower Hearts are the ultimate bird food. With the husks removed these seed hearts take away all the effort for garden birds saving them time and energy. Sunflower Hearts are loved by a variety of garden birds. Enjoy seeing Goldfinches with their red face and yellow flashed wings and Blue Tits with their vibrant blue crown, wings and tail. Attracts smaller, more colourful birds Highest energy bird food
Our Peckish Secret Garden Energy Ball Bird Feeder is a great feeder for energy balls and fat snax. Designed with a decorative leaf design with an antique finish, a great feeder to enhance your garden on a tree or feeding station.
The feeder is constructed of hard wearing metal and it metal wire structure makes it ideal for clinging birds.
Fill feeder with: • Peckish Extra Goodness Energy Balls or Peckish Natural Balance Energy Balls
Gardman Squirrel Proof Peanut Feeder is a plastic coated wire cage designed to exclude squirrels and larger birds, to allow smaller birds to feed in peace. • Anti-squirrel • Best seller • Fill with peanuts
Peckish Nyjer Seed is perfect for attracting colourful birds. The seeds are high energy and rich in oil and nutrients. Nyger seed is the favourite food of theÿbrightly coloured Goldfinch, their longÿthin beak makes it easy for them toÿeat this fine, oil-rich seed.
Benefits • Store in a cool dry place • Will attract Goldfinch, chaffinch, Greenfinch,House Sparrow, Redpoll and Siskin • Goldfinches often feed in small flocks
Gardman’s Black Steel Sunflower Heart Feeder is a durable metal feeder designed for sunflower hearts. With a quick release top and base for easy filling and cleaning. • This feeder has an antibacterial coating known as FeedSafe that uses Biomaster antimicrobial technology which inhibits the growth of bacterial by 99.99% • Fill with sunflower hearts
Our Peckish Sunflower Hearts Filled Feeder is a great ready to use feeder for a wide variety of birds to feed on. With little preparation required, simply hang on a tree or feeding station.
Sunflower hearts are the highest energy bird food and will attract the widest range of garden birds. They are rich in essential oils and the seed husks have been removed so there is no waste or mess.
Our Peckish Peanuts Filled Feeder is perfect for those looking for a simple, convenient feeder. Peanuts are rich in oils and protein, a perfect energy source for birds during the colder, winter months.
Our pre-filled feeders are great to refill and reuse in the garden.
Gardman No Mess Seed Mix is a premium bird food blend, featuring oil-rich sunflower hearts and high-energy peanut bites. With no husks or waste, it attracts a variety of birds to your garden.
Peckish Winter Warmer Extra Energy Seed is packed with ingredients that are high in energy and fat content, giving birds a helping hand during the cold winter months. • Packed with 9 different ingredients • Contains 20% oil for essential winter energy • With added Calvita Vitamin Mix
Peckish Complete Seed Mix is a unique blend that's packed with energy and nutrition - everything that a bird needs to fuel them for longer! Packed with 12 different ingredients and added Calvita Vitamin Mix.This seed mix is high energy with no mess and no waste.
Benefits • More seeds equals more birds - contains 12 ingredients each specifically chosen to attract a variety of birds • High energy blend • Enriched with our unique blend of vitamins and nutrients that garden birds need to stay healthy, Calvita Vitamin Pellet • No mess, husk free reduces waste
Our Peckish Mealworms Filled Feeder is the perfect ready to use feeder to attract many garden birds. These mealworms are 100% natural and are high in energy and protein. Perfect to hang on a tree or feeding station.
Mealworms are great for birds to feed on all year round as well as helping support growth and development.
Gardman Flip Top Nyger Seed Feeder is an easy-fill strong plastic feeder with micro seed ports. Height 20cm approx. and it's designed to hold 270g of Nyger seed.
Benefits • Gardman Flip Top Nyger Seed Feeder • Easy-fill strong plastic feeder with micro seed ports
Our Peckish Extra Goodness Energy Balls Filled Feeder contains our highest nutritional suet ball with more protein, and more fat than any other Peckish energy ball, sure to give the birds a tasty meal.
Packed with high energy sunflower seeds and peanuts, the added peanut aroma will certainly get them interested. These suet balls have no extra added wheat to bulk up the product and contain no calcium carbonate as a filler making these our best energy balls.
Our ready to use feeder is ideal with little preparation required, simply hang on a tree or feeding station.